The Celebration will return in 2025
The cornerstone event of the Australasian Arabian Breeders Coalition’s vision and mission for a positive path forward for the Arabian breed is the Arabian Breeders Celebration. This annual event has been designed to celebrate, showcase, recognize and reward the best purebred Arabian breeding horses in Australasia utilising the most comprehensive assessment system in the breed worldwide.
The ultimate aim is to provide the most progressive, innovative and globally respected support and resources for Arabian horse breeders in Australia and New Zealand by bringing international expertise to our region each year, with an unwavering focus on four main objectives:
1. Evaluation: Comprehensive assessment of Arabian breeding stock in alignment with the global breed standard
2. Education: Providing access to global expertise to Australasian breeders in the areas of breeding, evaluation, horsemanship, veterinary care, animal husbandry, breed history, genetics, etc.
3. Community: Uniting breeders of Arabian horses in Australia & New Zealand behind the shared promotion of the breed
4. Connection: Bringing the best of the global Arabian Community to Australasia while connecting to the ancient heritage of the breed.
Based upon the time-tested and universally respected evaluation systems currently utilised by several breeds and associations worldwide to certify breeding stock, the Arabian Assessment will be conducted by international equine breeding experts utilising the comprehensive Arabian Assessment scorecard.
The Assessment for breeding horses is comprised of two components:
Conformation Evaluation To consist of a comprehensive assessment of all relevant purebred Arabian horse characteristics as compared to the breed ideal. Horse to stand squarely on all four legs while being assessed. Horse will be asked to track away from and back towards Assessors. Duration: five to ten (5-10) minutes per horse
Athleticism Evaluation Movement will be assessed with horse at liberty. The three principal gaits of walk, trot and canter will be assessed. Duration: ninety to one hundred twenty (90-120) seconds per horse
All breeding horses aged four and older are also eligible for a third category of Assessment:
Ridden Evaluation To consist of a set ridden workout designed to assess the trainability, intelligence and aptitude of the exhibit as a versatile saddle horse as defined by the classic desert ideal. The Ridden Arabian Assessment scorecard will be used to evaluate this advanced segment of the Assessment. Duration: four to eight (4-8) minutes per horse
Horses are not expected to be prepared and presented like a typical halter horse at an Arabian show. While horses are expected to be clean, neat and well presented, ‘show condition’ is not necessary for an exhibit participating in the Celebration. Clipping of any kind is not necessary, and the in the case of removal of tactile hairs, is strongly discouraged. The Assessment is an evaluation of suitable Arabian breeding stock, which may or may not include show horses. We would encourage all breeders to participate with their breeding stock of all ages to determine exactly how their horses objectively score amongst the global population at large.
Proposed Schedule for 2023 | Click here for more detailed schedule.
BREEDING ASSESSMENTS | September 21 - October 16
This year instead of bringing all the horses for assessment to our Assessor, she will be hitting the road, and the air, coming to you, to allow more breeders and owners access this wonderfully beneficial resource. Please note, we are requiring a minimum of 10 horses per region to make this viable.
The primary objective of the Assessment is to compare purebred breeding stock in Australasia with the breed ideal – the classic Arabian horse of the desert. The Assessment Value for each breeding exhibit – the total score compiled from all relevant Assessment categories – will reflect the global population of the Arabian breed, holding all breeding stock to the highest possible international standard. Exhibits will be grouped according to age and gender on the Assessment schedule. Assessment Values will be classified as follows:
ELITE the highest possible level of Assessment | to reflect the top five to ten (5-10%) percent of the global breed
PREMIUM the next highest level of Assessment | to reflect the top twenty to twenty-five (20-25%) percent of the global breed
QUALITY the standard level of Assessment acceptability | to reflect the top fifty to sixty (50-60%) percent of the global breed
With a fundamental focus on improving the Arabian breed in Australasia, the Coalition firmly believes an Assessment will provide the following benefits to breeders in Australia and New Zealand.
• Establish objective evaluation of horses based on comprehensive evaluation conducted by global breeding experts
• Establish Assessment Value based on the millennia-old Arabian breed standard – the classic desert horse
• Create level playing field for all breeders of purebred Arabian horses to have bloodstock evaluated with objective scoring system which assesses against the global standard, providing invaluable feedback on the current state of breeding in Australasia
• Assess the breeding suitability of local breeding stock in the context of the global population
• Provide breeders with the best tools and resources to make informed breeding and selection decisions
• Hold the Arabian horse in Australasia to the highest standard globally and to the classic desert ideal
• Improve the overall quality of the Arabian horse in Australasia with knowledge, awareness and global expertise
• Establish trends in breed and bloodlines based on historical scores for all essential breed characteristics that could potentially lead to the establishment of breeding values for major breed traits, providing yet another invaluable selection and breeding tool for breeders.
While we anticipate that Assessment Values will prove to be invaluable breeding tools for breeders, these are provided as a service to Coalition members and Celebration participants and are not considered official certifications of breeding value by the Coalition.
There is no limit to the number of times a horse may be assessed. As different assessors and global experts will be utilised each year, breeders can have their horses evaluated by the greatest group of international professionals at different stages of their horse’s life. Should reassessment become a popular pursuit amongst breeders, those horses who achieve three Assessment Values within the same classification will be eligible to receive a lifetime certification from the AABC. This Lifetime Assessment Certification will include a special award and recognition from the AABC
Founding Members;
1-5 horses $150/horse
5-10 horses $125/horse
10+ horses $100/horse
Nb for multi horse discounts, all horses must owned by the same, owner/breeder
Non Member fees;
1-5 horses $200/horse
5-10 horses $175/horse
10+horses $150/horse
Nb for multi horse discounts, all horses must be owned by the same owner/breeder
We are honored to have very the best assessor at our Breeders Celebration. We sincerely thank Cindy Reich for her time and look forward to the wealth of knowledge she brings for Australasian Breeders. Click on their photo to view her bio.