Australasian Arabian Breeders' Legacy Awards
We were thrilled to honour these most deserving recipients at our Legacy Awards Dinner,
held during the International Championships at Willinga Park each February.
These honourees were chosen by our founding members and we look forward to adding
more exceptional and undeniably worthy breeders and professionals in the decades ahead.
Arabian Breeders Hall of Fame
Excellence in Arabian Horse Breeding
Ralvon Stud
Ron & Val Males
New South Wales

Bremervale Arabians
The Toft Family

Simeon Stud
Marion Richmond
New South Wales

Gerzanne Stud
Sue Spratt & Bev Jones
New Zealand

Aloha Arabian Stud
James & Mary Triggs
New South Wales

Fairview Arabians
Peter & Vivienne Hall
Queensland & New South Wales

Avondale Arabians
Pam & Rob Morris

Mulawa Arabian Stud
The Farrell Family
New South Wales

Noran Arabians
The Wall Family
Western Australia

Jangharm Arabians
The Sharman Family

El Kheir Arabians
Allan & Cheryl Skinner
New Zealand

Australasian Arabian Ambassador Award
Helen Dohan
New South Wales

Leonie Williamson

Kay Edward